Who we are / Our mission / Experience
We're a bunch of enthusiasts who share a passion for costumes, brought together by our love for cosplay, even though our life paths and educations tell completely different stories about us.
Cosplay is more than just costumes, more than a piece of painted foam or stitched fabric. It's a work of art - holistic and comprehensive. It's meant to transport us to the border between the fictional and the real world.
Experienced after thousands of hours spent on the battlefield with a wide range of costumes, we are able to take on difficult topics, but we are also happy to complete smaller projects.

The costume is extremely important, as is the visual make-up - these two factors allow us to play the roles of characters in the first place.
The key is that the outfit serves us long and happily, is faithful to its role and does not disappoint.
We want to enjoy it at events, performances, special events, photo sessions or use it as an exhibit in our own room.
Therefore, it is extremely important to have solid and accurate workmanship at the core, i.e. strong seams, durable glue and flexible, non-cracking paint - these are the three pillars of good cosplay.
What do we do? Or rather, it's easier to ask if there is anything we won't do?;)
The most interesting examples that have not yet been blown away by complex design are:
Dukemon - description high tech / power laser led / huge
Raiden - tight armor - lots of difficult connections
Dune - vaccum helmet
Musical - retail tailoring with technicians
Leshy - Monster - on extended legs
La signora - tailoring
Loki - repoussque in brass
Full 3D printed - Sister of Battle / Captain
Wings - Mercy x 2 - Kayle - Morgana - Ezreal - each type, each different
Ledy - Safi - Leshy mushrooms - Genji - Doom Helmet - sublight eyes - Capitan
Mechanisms - programs - movable hammer, Capitan lifting visor, Kayle movable wings

Our designs are supported by CNC laser plotter technology - thanks to which we will obtain a perfectly precise effect - if the point of honor is not handmade - but precision and interesting effects of foam burning - this is an irreplaceable tool.
In general, the laser should be presented as a member of our team, it is fast, inventive, very patient and has little failure, it always saves our time, it cuts wood, plexiglass, burns fabrics - model from sister, creates beautiful engravings for backlighting, cuts applications from flex foilor ornaments from fabrics, and above all, it cuts 120 pieces of feathers in 30 minutes.